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丽莎医生俄语 Russian版
  • 影片名称:丽莎医生
  • 演员:Elizaveta Glinka
  • 导演:Tofik Shakhverdiev
  • 影片分类:剧情片
    对白语言:俄语 Russian版
  • 上映年代:2009
  • 更新时间:2023-03-24 23:22:02
剧情片《丽莎医生》俄语 Russian版由Elizaveta Glinka...主演,2009年在俄罗斯地区发行。所以那被羁押到罪域囚笼里的小倩,已经被那个重新凝聚出来的天道之灵小倩所取代。  This is the story of one day in the life of Elizabeth Glinka, the head of "Fair Care" foundation, a philanthropist, a doctor and a human rights activist. As the day starts, Elizaveta and her husband Gleb are going to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. Liza is planning to spend some time with her family, waiting for her sons and close friends to arrive. The last thing to do is to drop by Paveletsky train station to check the campaign of the Fund for sending humanitarian supplies to people in need. Suddenly, she is addressed by the father of a girl suffering from a severe disease, and Doctor Lisa agrees to help. This request yields lots of unexpected circumstances into the well-planned day.感谢点播《丽莎医生》,在这里你可以观看最新好看的电影、电视剧,我们24小时不间断更新,领先网络发布,感谢您对镀金影院的支持和厚爱!